Saturday, August 23, 2008

More Swappin' ....

Man....I sure love me some Swap Meet, don't I???
Today's treasures ;

It works perfectly!

Bling before Bling was even a word! LOL

The idea is to buy things to sell....but this is so cute,

it's a keeper.

Friday, August 22, 2008

My 1st banner for

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bye-Bye Ebay

Well Folks, FEEbay has gone and made so many UNFRIENDLY changes that it is no longer fun or profitable for a small seller like myself to continue. I've been a seller on Ebay since 1999...
and it really used to be fun. It's unfortunate that they have become so greedy that they are ruining the unique niche they had.
Soon, Ebay will be just like!
After Christmas when they put thier final changes into place.. I will not be using Ebay - I'm moving over to

Etsy LIKES vintage and homemade goodies, and are not raping the sellers.
Check out 'my links' over on the right side of this page to go to my Etsy Store!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

More Great Swap Finds

I had a great time at the swapmeet today.

I've been planning on making a vintage jewelry Xmas tree...

and then I found one!

It had a few bare spots, but I've been finding jewelry to make one with, so I just added a bit and here it is! It sparkles MUCH more in person.
Now I guess I have to have a Christmas Party, since I missed having a Luau this year!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My boss Allyn & Gina Miles

Here's Gina with her silver medal, and Allyn, my boss....having fun in Hong Kong!
Hey Allyn, thanks for the Olympic shirts!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Birthday surprise

I got surprised by my girlfriends....dinner at Cedar Creek!

Marji, Sue, Marla and Bun, Debra Dianne and Julie all came!

We had a great time! Thanks GIRLZ!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Neat Handmade Stuff!

While cruising the ol' Internet, I ran across this fun website, for handmade items....there are SO many really crative people out there!

I thought it was fun, so have a look!

As soon as I can think of something to make, I'll be selling here too!