Tuesday, July 1, 2008

2008 Olympic Dressage Trials

We did it! The Dressage Olympic Silent Auction was a rousing success!

It was a TON of work, but we did have fun too!

The bidding was FIERCE at the end, and everyone said they LOVED the items offered!

Bunny & Raquel were SO much help, I could not have done it without them! I had help from Dr. Torrie Maxwell, Janet Gardner, Barb Laurito, Toni, Patrice & Martha helped, along with Karen from American Horse Products and her terrific mom Bobbie!

Huge Thanks you's.. to ALL!!!!

We did manage to break away and see the final Musical Freestyles in the VIP tent ...hey, we earned it! LOL.

Raquel is a natural photographer, Enjoy!

Debbie and Brentina sit and spin!

Leslie had a terrific go

Steffan owned this
competition from the start!

Ravel and Brentina, 1st & 2nd

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sooooooooooo happy that everything went well. The pics came out great!

Love, Meredith