Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Do you feel like I do?

I had to repost this from one of my favorite blogs, "A Gift Wrapped Life "

She just got back from Paris too and had this to say;

"My body clock is all wacked out but I am home. I walked in the door, hit the shower and hit the pillow with wet hair and that is all I remember about last night. I have totally given in to this 1st day of jet lag, been back to bed twice before 3:00pm. "

OH MAN do I know how she feels.
(and I bet she didn't miss HER flight home like I did.)
Three days in Paris just doesn't cut it. I vow that I will spend at LEAST a week, if not more from now on. Switzerland was charming, but too expensive. London was also fun, but for my money, Paris and Venice were far and beyond the best.

I already miss the coffee and the croissants..it's cruel to leave Paris, LOL.

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