Monday, June 29, 2009

the 4th of July

the 4th is right around the corner....

that means SUMMER! Yeah!

(I actually don't really like the 4th, 'cause my doggies get scared. But they are old and losing their hearing so this one might be tolerable for all of us)

I'm staying home with them, of course, 'cause I can't go away and then worry about them.

Anyway.... the 4th makes me think of flags and red, white and blue.

If I was going to a BBQ (HINT) ....I would love to wear this pin (available in my Etsy shop) and carry this handbag. 'Cause what's the point of being over 30 if you can't dress funny? LOL

I think I would look great (or cringe worthy) in a white mini dress with the pin and bag.

Happy 4th everyone!

P.S. Yes, I'd have to bring four dogs to the BBQ, BUT I make AWESOME Potato Salad

And when it gets hot out, that's all I want to eat! YUM!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

More Arizona moments..

Random images from my trip ....

(taken with my camera/phone,
sorry about the not-so-good-quality)

Yes, the cactus IS purple and pink! Gorgeous!

Toni and I. Boy, I hope that's
makeup under my eyes!

Gorgeous Landscape

Horse statue in front

Cactus Cookies!

Arizona is an hour behind CA...
My kinda place, unfortunately, it was closed! LOL...

Friday, June 12, 2009

I 'heart' Arizona in the summer

Arizona in the summer? Isn't it BLAZING hot?? What's to love about Arizona then?

Well, for one thing, the winter tourists/snowbirds are gone. Less traffic (as if Arizona HAS is another good reason, but the best is...

All the fancy hotels slash their prices, sometime more than half! There are great deal laying around EVERYWHERE!

I say, if you gotta travel for work, why not go 1st class (within the company guidelines OF COURSE) and have a fantastic time!
Here's my pick for next week. The Waldorf Astoria, Boulders Resort in Carefree.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Vintage Travel

I have a thing for old suitcases.
I have a thing for ANYTHING old, I guess, but right now, it's

Check these babies out! Don't they make you want to go somewhere?

Vintage suitcases are HOT on Etsy right now. I completely understand. Why travel light? :0)

I have to get a picture posted of the AMAZING White American Tourister suitcase I found yesterday at the flea market....bright white, but there's a surprise.. when you open pink!

I almost cannot bring myself to let it go! What did I pay for it? A whopping 3 BUCKS!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

One of my items in the Etsy "Nostalgic Whimsy" gift guide.

The little blue and White Baby shoes, bottom middle pic! :0)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

We entered a Horse Show...

I entered Karin and I in a local Horse Show....June 19th, a Friday.

Why? I haven't a clue, since they are expensive, nerve wracking, frequently embarrassing and you have to get up at O dark :30 am to get the beastie there and ready.

Why do we do it? 'Cause horse people are NUTS that's why! LOL

The goal is to present a model of perfection for the judges.

What usually ends up happening usually looks a whole lot more like this :

Friday, June 5, 2009

Mission Viejo is missing farmer's.....

I don't really cook, but I love Farmer's Markets. The colorful people and food, not to mention great prices and sometimes, free tastes!

Apparently Mission Viejo doesn't have a proper Farmer's Market.
There is one in Laguna Hills and another in Irvine...

(about 5 miles away, so why am I complaining, right?)

Santa Barbara has an AWESOME one, on Tuesdays, right on State St.

Mostly organic, and lots of flowers too. It's great to get up early, grab a cup of

coffee and walk it before hitting the road to find the Dr's. I found a great bakery down there top accounts RAVED about the apple strudel I bought them.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Rainy California

Ahh...I just heard thunder...such a rare thing here in So Cal.

Sometimes it's fun for a change. I know we need it.
But mostly when it rains, I think of Bunny, because I know she loves it.
Happy Rain Day Bun.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

On my front door this morning....

Thanks for the laugh Sylvia!

(click on it to read)